On the Secret to Success

Joshua 1:8-9 (NLT) Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. 9 This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”


This simple instruction from 1000’s of years ago has not changed and God is as faithful in this promise now as He was then.  It is so simple that it seems too good to be true – just be obedient to follow God’s instructions laid out for us in His Word to find success!  This is when our humanity, culture and heritage kick in, and we begin to meditate on things such as: 

  • Surely prosperity and success is at least as dependent on the work, initiative and creativity invested on our part.
  • Surely we need to always consider common sense and human experience first to determine the risks of stepping out in faith on God’s Word alone.
  • Surely we must update this ancient command and interpret it to fit our current culture.
  • Surely God has not said/did not mean… (Seems to me this was first suggested in an ancient garden by a sneaky snake).

This passage in Joshua does not tell us not to plan, not to work hard and diligently, not to use our gifts, talents and experience to accomplish what He has set before us to do.  This passage does tell us to study and meditate on God’s Word so we can be courageous knowing that obedience to His Word and submitting our gifts, talents and abilities to His plan are the ways to guarantee prosperity and success – in life, in ministry, in all we do.

Impact on Me

I must confess that I have been guilty of the folly of trying to improve God’s plans for me.  I have been foolish enough to limit God to what I think is possible.  I have adapted or updated the interpretation of His Word to make me more comfortable in obeying it. Like Eve, so many times, I have allowed myself to be deceived into questioning God’s instructions, wisdom, intent and meaning or into rationalizing that my plan might improve on His.  Like Eve, I have always found that to be a bad choice with many unpleasant repercussions.  

God knows what I am thinking before I ever act on my thoughts.  As I study and meditate on His Word, He reveals Himself – Who He is, how He works, what His heart is for all of His creation.  He wants me to embrace His Word so that I can have the courage and confidence to be what He is calling me to be and do what He is calling me to do.  He is asking me to trust Him and His plan made before the Earth was created – one with no flaws, no unexpected repercussions.  His plan will not fail even if I do.


Lord God, Creator, Eternal, All-Wise, All-Knowing God, ever to be praised.  Thank You, God, for inventing repentance, redemption and restoration so that my foolishness, my sin, my rebellion, can die and be buried in Your mercy, grace and love.  You have proven over and over again that Your Word, Your promises, and Your ability, power and faithfulness to keep Your promises to those who choose to obey are the same yesterday, today and forever.  Lord, may I embrace Your Word so I can become strong, courageous and wise enough to choose to obey without question.  In Jesus’ name, I pray.

Author: LizG

Wife, mom, grandma & great grandma.

One thought on “On the Secret to Success”

  1. Oh yes… Father did indeed “invent” repentance, redemption and restoration. I have not seen or be aware of these words used in this manner before. Without repentance, there can be no redemption and restoration. I need to not quiver but openly embrace repentance. Open my eyes and heart to my true self. I praise you Father for your sacrifice.


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