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Liz Groman

Follower of Jesus

My name is Liz. I have been walking with, beside, around, away from and toward Jesus for 40 years. I have learned much along the way about love, grace, mercy, repentance, sacrifice, restoration and all the other expressions of allowing Christ in me to be Lord of my life choices regardless of the circumstances surrounding me.


  • Follower of Jesus for 40 years
  • Wife for 52 years
  • Mom, Grandma, Great Grandma
  • Bible School degree; ordained in the Foursquare Church
  • Serve now and in the past as Disaster Relief Chaplain, on pastoral staff, in children’s ministry, as adult Bible teacher, on worship teams and in many other capacities over the years
  • 20 years in a transactional legal department
  • 20 years as business owner with my husband

My Purpose

Why am I sharing my personal journaling online for all to see?  I have been contributing my personal reflections on my church intranet for many years. Several people who I respect for the way Jesus expresses Himself in and through their lives have encouraged me to publish my reflections more widely so that others can also be encouraged by what the Holy Spirit is saying to me. So, if any of my posts encourage you in the Lord, I am blessed. I don’t guarantee that what He is saying to me is applicable to your life or walk, so please pray about anything that touches you to get confirmation from the Holy Spirit before acting on it.

My Goals

I am not online to engage in wranglings over different interpretations of Scripture. If you don’t agree with me, I bless you in following your convictions and obeying God as He has revealed His will and purpose for you to you. Please remember that we are called to do all things in love to all people because love is what never fails.

My posts will reflect my wrestling with obeying what Jesus has asked me to be and do. I am praying for gracious unity in Christ for us all as a body with many different parts and functions so we can encourage and support each other. In this way we can ultimately fulfill God’s will and purpose for each of us and the Body of Christ. I want each follower of Jesus to be the best body part that he/she can be.

My Prayer

Father God, I pray that You will speak by your Holy Spirit in these posts to reveal Jesus and how we may become more like Him as we follow Him, pressing on in His footsteps set before us, to follow well, love well, serve well and finish well. Make it so in me. Amen.